I haven't blogged in months and I am feeling like my heart will burst with all that it wants to share! I have just been so busy being mommy,wife and running a business that I find little time for me. I hope to remedy that situation by taking time for myself more. Pray for that...
I recently came back from the Women Of Faith conference and I can not explain how renewed and refreshed my soul is from the experience. I have so many things I feel I could write about I didn't even know where to begin but then it came to me! It came to me from the question asked by my four year old curly headed boy.....
First I have to let you know that my kids are allergic to ants and mosquitoes. Weird I know... Not allergic as in rush them to the hospital or bust out the Epi-pen allergic but allergic as in Swollen,painful,itchy and really annoying! Now that you know that we shall move on...
My son recently got stung by an ant and like always the bites were causing him to be severely uncomfortable. So much so that he says to me "Mommy, Did God make ants?" Oh man, I knew where this was going already so my wheels are turning fast to try to explain this one.... Remember the Ecosystem Letty!! I replied very hesitantly "Yes..." Here it comes..I'm not ready...." But why?"
Why God? Why did you make these things that are such a nuisance to my son?? This is where I wish I could text Him or something... I simply tried to explain that ecosystem and how they help the soil and such... But come on he is four!! That doesn't go over very well yet. However he left it alone. Probably because mommy made no sense to him.
It got me thinking about people though . You know those people in your life that you would consider a pesky ant... Why God? Why did you make those people that sting us?
He spoke to me. Yes He really does that! I was reminded that we are all created in His image .
So God Created mankind in his own image,in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them. ( Genesis 1:27)
He did not create us to hurt people but we do! We all have at some point in our life. Why? I would say that most of the time it's because we ourselves are hurting and we feel the need to make someone else feel the same. I mean after all misery loves company.
We are all products of our experiences. Each and every experience you had from the time you were a small child molded you in to the person you are today. Every hurt that has ever been done to you like the sting of an ant.
The truth about why an ant stings is simple...They feel threatened and it's only thought is survival!
The Army Ants of South America are reputed for taking down "anything" in their path. They will kill and eat absolutely any vegetable or animal that they can overcome. Nothing scares them away from their purpose, and that is to survive.
Professional Wildlife Cinematographer, Photographer, & Naturalist 36 years.
This is true of us... We hurt out of the sheer intent to survive! If anyone threatens that, we attack! What can be done to stop the madness of hurting each other? simple....
Let go,Let God!
Let Go of all the hurt and all the pain and Let God renew your life again!
When someone hurts you remember it is a reflection of their pain! They are too a child of God just like you. Hard to accept that the pesky ant of a person that hurt you is just like you but it's Truth! The second most important part of living in peace is to FORGIVE!!
Oh and that part is hard to even say for most of us (me included)... But the price paid for our sins and the forgiveness we have received was paid oh so many years ago on that cross.
For if you forgive men when they sin against you,your heavenly Father will also forgive you.But if you do not forgive men their sins,your Father will not forgive your sins. ( Matthew 6:14-15)
The truth is when someone stings you it doesn't have to sting forever. It doesn't have to cause you the pain over and over unless you let it. Remember that the battle for our souls is happening everyday!
For our battle is not against flesh and blood,but against the rulers,against the authorities, against the world powers of darkness,against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavens. (Ephesians 6:12)
You are the one who can control who wins that battle! You can control what hurts you let stay and let go! I say when that ant comes to sting you again remember that it's reason for hurting you probably goes far beyond you...
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